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American Youth Soccer Organization Providing world class youth soccer programs that enrich children's lives.

Welcome to Region 75 Celebrating 50 Years Serving Whittier - Santa Fe Springs - Norwalk

Weather Guidelines

Region 75 Weather Plan
Policies & Associated Guidelines

Always assume practices and games are on unless you hear from your coach, or until a cancellation is posted or communicated via email. Safety and Risk Management must be addressed for regularly scheduled games, practices, and special events. Certain weather conditions can pose a risk.

Some of the most common severe weather conditions are:

  • Hot weather – risks of dehydration, heat exhaustion or heat stroke, sunburns
  •  Thunder and lightning storms
  • Poor air quality due to wildfires or air pollution
  • Cold weather – hypothermia

Halting Games

Region play may be halted at the discretion of the Area Director or Regional Safety Director when the conditions noted within this document are observed. At field locations, coaches, referees, and/or region board members concerned about conditions should contact the Area Director or Regional Safety Director to discuss potentially halting games due to severe weather conditions.

Area Director: Randall Ely [email protected]

Region Safety Director: Lisa Mir  [email protected]

The Role of Parents

It is important to note parents always have the right not to allow their child to practice/play for any reason, including weather conditions. The region will make efforts to provide guidance and information, but ultimately it is the parent’s responsibility to prepare their children for the weather conditions, monitor their child/ren during and after activities and make the decisions appropriate for their child/ren.


Games will not automatically be cancelled because of rain. The region will check field conditions before and during games and is prepared to stop or delay games if severe weather conditions cause the field to become unsafe for participants.

Hot Weather

When temperatures and humidity rise above normal levels, the potential for risk rises. Be aware of these dangers and be prepared to stop or delay games to ensure proper hydration. Allow for frequent water stoppages in addition to substitution stoppages. Incidents of dehydration, heat exhaustion, heatstroke and sunburn are preventable. The proper and continued hydration of players and volunteers is essential starting at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled event. Begin hydrating 2 days before game day: 3-8oz bottles of water to 1-8oz sports drink (repeat)

For activities lasting longer than 30 minutes in excessive heat (above 90 degrees) water breaks, approximately every 10 minutes, will help relieve the effects of heat. Children do not adapt to extremes of temperature as effectively as adults for the following physiological reasons (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2000):

  • Higher surface area-to-body mass ratio than adults, allowing a greater amount of heat to transfer from the environment to the body.
  • During physical activity, children produce more metabolic heat than adults.
  • Sweating capacity is considerably lower in children than adults, reducing the ability to dissipate body heat by evaporation.


The Heat Index is the “feels like” or effective temperature. As relative humidity increases, the air seems warmer because the body is less able to cool itself via evaporation of perspiration. As the index rises, so do the health risks.

  • Officials (referees) will add water breaks to each quarter, meaning approximately ½ way through each quarter, play should be stopped to allow players and referees to get water (the play clock will run continuously thru the ½).
  •  Referees may allow player substitutions, at their discretion, if a player on the field is showing any signs of heat related illness (heavy breathing; panting; irritability; pale skin; dry skin; cramps; nausea). Coaches and parents are encouraged to also be aware of these signs of heat related illness and be prepared to act on behalf of their child if needed.
  • Players are encouraged to go to the touchline for water at any time it is needed, they do not need to wait for the referee to stop play (players should remain on the field and return to play when they are finished getting a drink).
  • Region play may be halted at the discretion of the Regional Commissioner & Regional Safety Director when the heat index reaches 96 degrees or more. The region will utilize multiple weather sources when making this decision     (, WeatherBug, NOAA Weather & NOAA heat index – see chart from

Sunscreen should be applied frequently. Parent volunteers should provide plenty of shade for players and families by setting up canopies. Finally, it is recommended on hot days that parents supply wet towels, soaked in water and/or ice to be applied to players during breaks to significantly reduce heat related impacts.


Thunder and Lightning Storms

Thunder is a direct result of lightning. If you hear thunder, lightning is close enough to strike you. However, if you see lightening, and don’t HEAR thunder, it is because the lightening is too far away to hear the thunder, and the lightening does not pose an immediate threat. The key to an effective lightning safety action plan lies in answers to the following questions:

  • Where is the safest lightning shelter?
  • How far is the group from that location?
  • How long will it take to get the group there?

Knowing the answers to these questions and formulating a plan of action accordingly is critical to reducing the chances of anyone being struck by lightning. Region 75 officials will consult and determine the course of action – give the “all clear” sign for games to resume, cancel the balance of ongoing games or cancel games for the day. Event administrators, the Regional Commissioner, Safety Director, or their designees, including Coach Administrator, Referee Administrator, or referees, will have the authority, to delay the start of play, call a halt in play or suspend/terminate a game due to severe weather conditions.

Recognizing the Danger – And Knowing What to Do

  • Calculate the distance from lightning: When lightning is seen, begin counting; each 5 sec period = 1 mile
  • When thunder is heard it is within striking distance. – seek shelter immediately. Do not wait for the rain to start before seeking shelter, and do not leave shelter just because the rain has ended. Enact the safety plan now!
  • Restart games after no thunder has been heard for 30 minutes.

Distinguishing Between Safe and Unsafe Shelters

NOTE: Remember, the time when activities are stopped is the time when people BEGIN to seek shelter. Adequate time should be allowed for them to seek shelter safely. Only the most important items should be retrieved such as purses, baby bags, car keys, etc. Delays retrieving all personal belongings raise the risk of danger.

Safe Shelter Areas

  • INSIDE a substantial building (roof AND completely enclosed walls) towards the middle of the building
  •  INSIDE a fully enclosed metal vehicle with the windows completely closed.

Unsafe Shelter Areas

  • Around or near all metal objects: goals, flag poles, fences, gates, high mast light poles, bleachers.
  • Around or near all trees, water, open fields, high ground.
  • Around, near or in small buildings, picnic shelters, concession stands, tents.

If Caught Out in the Open

NOTE: No place outside is safe when severe weather exists. Encourage all participants to seek shelter indoors.

  • AVOID groups of people. Spread out to reduce the risk. Shield children.
  • AVOID being the tallest object.
  • Seek cover in clumps of bushes. Crouch down as low as possible and cover your head with your forearms; assist children as they will most often be frightened.

If Someone is Injured

  • Call 9-1-1 immediately.
  • If qualified to do so, apply CPR and First Aid, if necessary, until medical staff arrives.
  • All safety personnel should be educated on what and when to act or react in severe weather conditions.

NOTE: People who have been struck by lightning do not carry a charge and are safe to touch.

Air Quality Issues

The region will consult with government information for air quality issues due to wildfires or excessive air pollution. In addition to using weather resources the region will consult with the South Coast Air Quality Management District website ( for specific air quality levels and advisories.

Cold Weather

The risk of hypothermia, frostbite and injury from numbness are avoidable. Although highly unlikely in our area the region will consider canceling games when the weather is cold enough that players are adversely affected by it. Be aware of the dangers associated with cold weather and be prepared to delay or even terminate games to ensure proper protection of the players.

Players may wear garments under the jersey (if hoodies are worn under the jersey hoods must be tucked into the jersey). Pants may be worn under the shorts. Other items such as knit hats, gloves, etc. may be worn to protect against cold and windy weather conditions.

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Contact Us

AYSO Region 75 Whittier - Santa Fe Springs - Norwalk

PO Box 5463 
Whittier, California 90607

Email Us: [email protected]
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