Region 75 is a program of the American Youth Soccer Organization (AYSO), a nationwide, non-profit youth soccer organization founded in 1964. AYSO is an affiliate member of the United States Soccer Federation. AYSO's Philosophies are living tenets that separate us from other sports organizations.
Whittier Region 75 is excited you have found or are returning to AYSO. Our organization is reliant on people like YOU to help us with our mission to develop and deliver a quality youth soccer program for our community! AYSO (Region 75) is a 100% volunteer run organization and always welcomes new and returning volunteers.
Below are helpful links that we feel will guide you to become acquainted with Region 75.
What are AYSO's Six Philosophies?
What programs are offered at Region 75?
Sierra Field LocationLost n Found
How do I register my child?
New Player Guide
What is a board member and who are they?
Uniforms Kid's Zone PledgeHow do I become a Volunteer (coach, referee, team parent, etc.)? Volunteers Conflict of Interest Importance of Child Supervision Usage of Player's Name Understanding Safe Haven Cast and Braces Policy No Pets on the Field Policy Jewelry Policy Weather Concerns
PO Box 5463 Whittier, California 90607